Car Air Conditioning Servicing

Car Air Conditioning Servicing: Antibacterial Clean, Re-gas
It’s important to keep your car’s air conditioning system in good condition. Not only does it make the interior of your car more comfortable to travel in, but it can also increase the life of your system.
How often should your car’s air conditioning be serviced?
Most car air conditioning systems should be serviced every two years. However, if you drive in dusty or polluted conditions, or your car is older than five years, you may need to have it serviced more often. Air conditioning systems naturally lose gas over time and some systems may just require to be re charged after some years in use.
Car air conditioning leak detection and repair
If a leak is detected in your air conditioning system, we may need to re book your car in at another time to diagnose the issue. Some dismantling of frontal parts may be required.